Use Case
To begin our journey in understanding OAuth 2.0, let's analyze a scenario that illustrates the problem that OAuth 2.0 solves.
Alice has a checking account at Alpha Bank. As part of its online banking platform, Alpha Bank provides an API by which customer financial data, including Alice's, can be accessed. This API enables an ecosystem of third-party services.
Budgetify is one of those third-party services, which helps customers like Alice manage spending and savings. By integrating with Alpha Bank's API, Budgetify is able to automatically analyze transactions, providing Alice with intelligent recommendations on how to reduce or eliminate expenses.
Before OAuth, this integration would require Alice to hand over her username and password to Budgetify. Since Alice has been rightfully warned to never share her password with third parties, which she heeds, she is unable to benefit from Budgetify's recommendations.
If Alice ignores the warning, she's placing a high degree of trust in Budgetify. She's relying on Budgetify to securely store her password, a task which is difficult to ensure given it needs to be available in cleartext. Since her password grants full access to her account, she's expecting Budgetify to use it only for the purpose of reading transactions, and not to transfer money. The list of concerns only grows from here. Clearly, this security model leaves a lot to be desired.
OAuth 2.0 addresses these problems by issuing Budgetify an application-specific credential, known as an access token, rather than requiring Budgetify to use a user credential such as a password. Budgetify obtains an access token by making an authorization request to Alpha Bank. This authorization request is sent to Alpha Bank's authorization server, which is a part of Alpha Bank's website.
When Alpha Bank's authorization server receives an authorization request, it is responsible for two primary tasks:
- Logging Alice in.
- Obtaining Alice's consent to allow Budgetify access to her account.
Because Alice is now logging in directly to Alpha Bank's website, she no longer has to share her password with Budgetify. When giving her consent, Alice can also indicate what scope of access Budgetify is allowed. In this instance, Budgetify's access can be restricted to only reading transactions, excluding unnecessary permissions such as making transfers. The permitted scope is captured in Budgetify's application-specific access token, avoiding the overly broad access that would otherwise have been allowed if Alice were to have shared her password.
In OAuth 2.0, applications such as Budgetify are referred to as clients, APIs such as Alpha Bank's API are referred to as resource servers, and users such as Alice are referred to as resource owners. Throughout this guide, the words "application", "API", and "user" will be used, since they are more natural language. Keep in mind that you will encounter the more formal terms as you learn more about OAuth 2.0 and read documentation elsewhere.